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Cargo Ship at Sea

1. Other CISG websites


CISG online- special feature

The CISG online database is maintained by the Institute of Foreign and International Law (Dept. I) at the University of Freiburg, Germany. The Freiburg database will parallel CISG websites posted by law schools of many nations, all in synergy with one another. This database includes bibliographic references and texts of German case law on the CISG.



2. Websites of international organizations


UNIDROIT on the Internet

The Unidroit Internet Web site at present comprises pages containing a presentation of Unidroit, "Unidroit News" providing information on the current activities of Unidroit, the full text of Unidroit conventions, the state of ratifications of Unidroit conventions, a catalogue of Unidroit publications and an overview of the collections of the Unidroit Library, as well as an extensive section on the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts, including the complete version of the Unidroit Principles with black letter rules, comments, and illustrations.

Courts and arbitrators will often refer to the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts as a companion to the UN Sales Convention. CISG researchers will be especially interested in this. 



The Hague Conference on private international law

The Hague Conference is the oldest intergovernmental organization on private international law (First Session convened in 1893). Their webpage describes the Conference and its activities, e.g., "The Eighteenth Session held in October 1996 adopted the Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law . . . It was also decided to include in the agenda for the Nineteenth Session, to be held in the year 2000, the question of jurisdiction, and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil and commercial matters."

3. Regional database

National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade (The InterAm database)

 The InterAm database, maintained by the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade contains legislative materials from various Latin American countries, including access to Mexican legislation and the Mexican Diario Oficial. The database also maintains an extensive collection of links to other legal information resources relating to trade and the Americas. 

4. A CISG domestic law comparative: the UCC

Legal Information Institute (Cornell Law School)

 U.S. persons should be aware that where the CISG applies, it replaces the greater part of Article 2 of the U.S. Uniform Commercial Code. For comparative purposes, the text of Article 2 of this Code may be accessed by clicking to the above hypertext link. 

5. Law firm databases

The Lex Mundi database

 The "Hieros Gamos" website of Lex Mundi contains three sections: HG I consists of lists to all known organizations related directly or indirectly to law regardless of whether they currently are on the Internet; HG II contains over 200 comprehensive practice areas organized to facilitate access; HG III leads to resources such as journals, employment, law study and to the card catalogues to 100 law schools. 



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